

Dubrovnik was founded about 700 years. the westernmost part of the modern city on a rocky islet, which is on the outer side of the sea was very steep, while the land was slightly tilted. Slavs and Avars in their march from the Danube to the south, destroying the city Epidaurum, today's Cavtat, a Roman population to flee, takes refuge on the small island where he founded his new city.

Please note that Dubrovnik is still on the list of UNESCO world cultural value.

Monuments and landmarks

The city walls and fortifications


The city walls - are built from 13 to 17 century for defense and protection. Long in 1940 m high and 25 m         landward 4-6 m thick and 1.5 to 3 meters under water on four sides, protected by fortifications.

Tower Minceta - Fortress in the north of the city walls, monumental and round, finished in 1464th year, was built by many builders, including George Dalmatians. The reason for the construction of Bull's news about the fall of Constantinople 1453rd year.

The tower Bokar - a fortress in the west of the city walls, and Star is called, was built by the 1461st until 1463. designed by the Florentine architect Michelozzo Michelozzi.

Fort St.. John - a fortress in the southeast of the city walls from the 16th century. Protected the entrance to the Old Port. Work is Dubrovnik builders Paskoja Milicevic.

Fort Lovrijenac - a fortress which is located near the western external wall of the city, 37 m above sea level. The fort is famous for its performances and weddings, and most importantly as a historic symbol of resistance to the Venetian republic. widely known as the Gibraltar of Dubrovnik.

Fort Revelin - fort to the east of the town walls. It was built 1462nd years before the Turkish threat.

Imperial Fort - forts on the hill Srd north and above Dubrovnik.

the Pile gate - through the western door, which was entered into the city. Built in the 1537th year. On them was a drawbridge, which is closed every night.

The city gate of Ploce - through the eastern gate, which was entered into the city from the 15th century.

Churches and monasteries


Dubrovnik Cathedral - dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven. It was built on the site of the Byzantine and Romanesque cathedral, which was destroyed in the great earthquake in 1667. year. The current baroque cathedral was built from 1671st the 1713th year. Cathedral Treasury kept the gold and silver reliquaries, crosses, church utensils and Italian paintings (Tizian, Raffael, etc.), Flemish and Croatian painters.

Church of St. Vlaha - built on the site of a Romanesque church, which survived the great earthquake of 1667., But was destroyed by fire in 1706th year. The new Baroque church was built in the 1706th the 1715th year. The main altar is a statue of St. Vlaha of gilded silver work Dubrovnik masters from the 15th century. Holding a model of the city before the earthquake of 1667.

The Franciscan monastery and church of the Friars Minor - dates from the 14th century. The church doors are gorgeous vaulted Gothic portal, which is the sole survivor of earthquake in 1667. Late Romanesque cloister of the 1360th year built Mihoje Brajkov from Bar. The monastery of the 1317th until today operates a pharmacy, the third oldest in Europe.

The Dominican monastery and church of Sts. Dominica - built in the 14th century. The southern portal was made by sculptor Bonino da Milano 1419th year. It is emphasized renesanski Gothic cloister. Monastery museum contains valuable manuscripts and incunabula, paintings from the 15th Dubrovnik painters and 16 Century: Dobricevic Lovre, Mihajla Hamzica and Nikole Bozidarevica large crucifix painted by Paolo Veneziano from the 14th century and the altarpiece of St. Magdalena, the Italian painter Tiziana, of 1550. year.

Jesuit monastery and church of Sts. Ignatius - Baroque buildings from the 17th and 18 century. Beside the church is famous Dubrovnik college "Collegium Ragusinum".

Monastery of St.. Clare - was built along the city walls in the 13th and 14 century. It is the 1434th The open shelter for abandoned children.

Church of St. Joseph - was built in 1667th on the site, the earthquake destroyed the church of St. Jacob.

Church of St. Nicholas - the 11th century, one of the oldest surviving church in the city.

Church of St. Spas - from 1520. year, remained intact in the great earthquake in 1667. year. This is the work of Renaissance master Peter Andrijic fromk Korcula. It was built as a votive church after the great earthquake of 1520th year.

Church of St. Rocco - Renaissance church from the 16th century.

Synagogue - one of the oldest in Europe, with origins in the 14th century.



The Rector's Palace - was once the seat of government and the Rector of the Dubrovnik Republic, it is a cultural-historical museum.

Palace Divona ie Sponza- Gothic-Renaissance palace designed by the masters of Dubrovnik Paskoja Milicevic.

Palace Isusović-Braichi (Prijeko 24) - is one of the finest examples of residential architecture in the Renaissance city.

Other sights

Stradun or pay - the biggest and most famous street. It extends from the entrance to the town through the Pile Gate to Luza Square and a unique urban element that characterizes the city of Dubrovnik.

Big and Small Onofrio Fountain - two circular fountains and also can serve as a reservoir for water. At higher water flows from the masked figure of 16 characters. The builder Onofrio della Cava from Naples.
Orlando's Column - a stone's version of knight Orlando. He served as a place where the messengers to read the notice. For a long time was the only secular monument in the city.

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